How to Book

Do you think your duo or band is a good fit for Little Lou’s BBQ?


Would you like to play here?
If so, here are the things that we take into account when looking at new groups
(Please do not contact us unless you have all the criteria below):
Booking Process: If you would like to be considered to play at Little Lou’s BBQ, please send an email to and include responses to the following:


  1. Your Single, Duo or Band name.
  2. Your group’s Website Link.
  3. Your group’s Facebook or page.
  4. Your music genre (blues, jazz, etc.).
  5. Some links to samples of your music. Approximately how many followers do you have for your Group?
  6. How often do you send out your Media?
  7. Are you willing to provide a flyer 2 weeks prior to your engagement?


Please, do not contact our establishment inquiring about your submission or asking questions about booking your band. If we are interested, you will be contacted for booking. Thank you for your interest in Little Lou’s BBQ.